Cath O'Brien
Art Tutor

Cath enjoys facilitating creative spaces for people of all ages. She works with adults with diverse needs including those whose lives have been affected by Stroke at Mapura Studios. She works creatively with children at Mairangi Arts Centre and from her studio at Lake House Arts. She has a Bachelor of Visual Arts from AUT and is also a Registered Nurse.

Cath advocates autonomy for artists in shared creative spaces. Viewing the environment as an extension of the creative self, collection, storage of and accessibility to materials in shared spaces are integral to her practice as a facilitator and artist. Her practice is influenced by the work of Rhoda Kellogg and the Reggio Emilia school of thought. Visit or @make_like_a_tree on instagram to see art made by the children Cath works alongside.

Exploring the relationships we have with our shared and public spaces, Cath uses the medium of photography to record traces of human activity in the surrounding environment. Collecting images from suburban streets and industrial areas, she finds satisfaction in the arrangement of mundane objects and materials, made unintentionally by others going about their daily lives. You can see examples of her visual practice on instagram @damhsaofaeons. @damhsaofaeons


Banner image: Matthew Tucker, Infinity, 2014