Information about Māpura Studios re-opening

Māpura Studios will re-open for in-person programmes in Term One 2022 

Term dates:
Term One: Tuesday 1 February to Thursday 14 April – 11 weeks (note Monday 7 Feb is Waitangi Day) – 11 weeks 

Term Two: Monday 2 May to Friday 8 July – 10 weeks 

Term Three: Monday 25 July to Friday 30 September – 10 weeks 

Term Four: Monday 17 October to Friday 17 December – 9 weeks 

The final programme details and timetables are currently being finalised and will be up on our website next week but are expected to be similar to past programmes. 

As already advised, Māpura Studios is adopting a mandated Covid-19 vaccination pass for all staff, participants aged 12 or over and visitors to the studio or to any other venues at which we work.

This decision was based on the Health and Safety of our artists and our staff, and means that anyone entering the studio or other off-site facilities, needs to show they are fully vaccinated. 

We are also requesting that masks are worn at all times. However we do understand that there may be some of our community for whom this may be difficult and I ask that you let either Alex or myself know ahead of time if this is an issue.

 We recognise that there may be some people who have an official vaccination exemption issued by the Health Department or its delegated authorities, and we will of course accept these.

 We will have vaccine pass scanning capability or alternatively we will be requesting that vaccination certificates are shown to staff before entering. 

I hope that the great majority of you will welcome this policy which we hope will keep our community safe, but if anyone has any problems, I would ask that you contact me about this and address any concerns and questions directly to me. 

Zoom programmes:
Once we have started back, most zoom programmes will be discontinued as regular studio based activities recommence. However we recognize that there may be some people who are not able to return immediately or would prefer to wait a little longer. Or there may be some unvaccinated people who are unable to return but would like to stay in contact through our creative programmes.

To accommodate this, we will offer one or two zoom sessions (depending on the demand) to a general group of artists who would like to connect with us in this way.

This year there will be a cost for a zoom session, as there will no longer be any government wage subsidies and we need to pay out tutors for their time.

This cost will be $15 per session.


Traffic Light Levels

We have studio policies in place which cover all levels of the traffic light system.

It would seem likely now, that we will return at the Orange level. This allows us more flexibility as a vaccine mandated site and we hope that we can return to as near “normality” as possible while still observing strict health and safety protocols. 

The main things to be aware of are:

1.     Have your vaccination certificates available or make prior arrangements with the Director

2.     Stay home if you are unwell

3.     If you appear unwell to a staff member you may be asked to go home.

4.     If you have been told by the Health Authorities to self-isolate, you must do so

5.     Contact trace before entering the studio

6.     Wash your hands when you arrive and before you leave

7.     Wear a mask if at all possible

8.     If you have personal needs (e.g. toileting, seizures etc) you will need to have a support person with you.

9.     Please follow any instructions regarding Covid-19 procedures that may be given to you by staff. We are trying to do our best to keep everyone safe and the situation is constantly changing.

10.  Staff will be carrying out strict cleaning processes.

11.  If you have any questions or are uncertain about anything please contact me.


We are really looking forward to seeing you all again next year to enjoy making art together.
We have some great things planned.

 Ngā mihi
Diana McPherson

ph: 09 845 5361

mob: 0220 454 391